====== Emperor Leontius ====== There have been four Emperor's of [[Thyatis|Thyatis]] with this name, two from each of the related Scaurus and Isauricus dynasties. ===== Leontius I ===== Leontius I Aemilianus, the fourth emperor of the Scaurus dynasty. Assumed the throne at an advanced age in the year AC 95 after his elder brother [[emperoraugustin#Augustin II|Augustin II]]((birth name: Paulus Aemilianus)) died. Having no children and no nephews nor nieces to carry on the dynasty, he quickly declares his friend and advisor, Lucius Metothemios, as his adoptive son and heir, and Lucius succeds Leontius later that same year as [[emperorlucius#Lucius II|Lucius II Aemilianus Scaurus]]. Other Family: Brother- [[emperorlucius#Lucius I|Lucius I Aemilianus]]; Father- [[emperoraugustin#Augustin I|Augustin I]]((birth name: Aemilius Scaurus)) ===== Leontius II ===== Leontius II Scaurus. The sixth and last emperor of the Scaurus dynasty, Leontius II reigned from AC 111 to AC 117. He was appointed by the senate to succeded [[emperorlucius#Lucius II|Lucius II]]((A distant cousin whom the senate overthrew in that year)). He was succeded by his son-in-law((Philippus Isauricus, a Popular Senator)) who reigned as [[emperoralexis#alexis I|Alexis I]]. Other Family: Daughter- Eliana ===== Leontius III ===== The second of the Isauricus emperors. He reigned from AC 129 to AC 143, having succeded his father [[emperoralexis#Alexis I|Alexis I]] and was succeded in turn by his son [[emperorzendrolion#Zendrolion II|Zendrolion II]] after his ship is presumed lost at sea. During his reign he launched a number of "//glorious//" wars((In an attempted continuation and improvment of his father's policies)), some very successfull (ie the capture of Aegos from Alphatia), some moderately successfull (ie capturing some land in Bogland - modern Dunadale - from Alphatia), some disastrous (ie attacking the elves of Alfeisle during which his ship disappeared, never to be seen again). Other Family: Mother- Eliana Scaurus ===== Leontius IV ===== The fourth of the Isauricus emperors. After his father, [[emperorzendrolion#Zendrolion II|Zendrolion II]], dies in AC 175 he is proclaimed Emperor. Leontius IV is one of the few emperor's to willingly resign, doing so in AC 180 in favour of his brother Demetius who reigns as [[emperorstefan#Stefan I|Stefan I]]. Under Stefan I, Leontius IV is appointed as an Imperial General in which position he defends Thyatian interests on the [[isle_of_dawn|Isle of Dawn]] and Aegos during hostilities with Alphatia, famously sinking the Alphatian fleet off Aegos. Other Family: Niece- Valeria Isauricus ===== Sources ===== [[http://www.pandius.com/thy_hist.html|History of the Thyatian People]] at the Vaults by [[http://www.pandius.com/jruhland.html|James Ruhland]] \\ [[http://www.pandius.com/thyempr.html|Thyatian emperors]] at the Vaults by [[http://www.pandius.com/zendroln.html|Simone Neri]] \\ [[http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=772|About the Thyatian Emperor's]] discussion at the Piazza between M. C. (//LoZompatore//), S. Morris, S. Neri, & G. Weatherup