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New Spells

This is a listing of spells not in the RC.

Wizard Spells

Level Name Short Description Author/Source
1Keepsake When keepsake is cast on your magic book, it disallows use of your book by anyone not mentioned in the spell casting. Jeff Querner
1Mana Shield Protects the caster, effectively giving him 2d4 extra mana hp for the duration of the spell. Jeff Querner
1Power This spell is totally unpredictable, doing something weird and different every time, or may do nothing at all. Angelo Bertolli
2Ice Knife Fires a dagger of ice at the target, hitting as if thrown by the caster, for 2d4 points of damage. Dungeon #47
4Magic Mirror Creates a magic mirror through which the caster can view other creatures or areas (operates like a crystal ball with clairaudience).Jeff Querner
5Dream This allows the caster to visit and communicate with another creature through the victim's dream. Jeff Querner

Priest Spells

campaign/heroes_of_selenica/new_spells.txt · Last modified: 2016-06-12 01:48 pm by angelo