Table of Contents

Rules and DM Notes




Saving Throws

Modify saving throws based on abilities


Spell Casting

Spell Modifications


Item Adjustments

Extended Levels

Using the extended levels for demihumans and mystics (Ch. 19), elves can either gain ability in magic or fighting after level 10, but not both. At level 10, and elf is considered to be both a level 10 Fighter and level 10 Magic-user. After level 10, the elf must choose between gaining fighter levels or magic-user levels. The previous abilities (up to level 10) are retained. An elf that chooses fighting will not gain any more spells. An elf that chooses magic will forever be considered 10th level for fighting purposes:

Elven Wizard

Elven Lord


Jewelry Table

(roll 3d6 x 100)
300 to 700: anklet, bracelet, ring, amulet
800 to 1300: necklace, collar, armband, belt
1400 to 1800: crown, scepter, orb or any jewel-encrusted item

Gem Table

(roll 1d100)
01 to 20: 10 gp (quartz, turquoise, agate)
21 to 45: 50 gp (citrine, onyx, crystal, jasper)
46 to 75: 100 gp (amber, garnet, amethyst, jade)
76 to 95: 500 gp (pearl, topaz, aquamarine)
96 to 00: 1000 gp (opal, ruby, emerald, sapphire)