The kings, and many jarls of the northern reaches trace their lineage back to the line of Canute, often falsely so however.
Cnute Bearchest of Zealand, King of Ostland (478-526), m. Gudrid, Regent (526-552)
1. Brand, King of Ostland (526-553)
2. Eirik, to Vestland
3. Sven, to Vestland
4. Hrafn, to Vestland
5. ?
5.1. Geirmund I, King of Ostland (553-560)
5.1.1. Olaf I, King of Ostland (560-588)
5.1.1.-. Herlaug, King of Ostland (588-588) Geirmund II, King of Ostland (588-588) Cnute II, King of Ostland (588-600) Eirik I, King of Ostland (600-601) Finnbogi, King of Ostland (601-627) Sigmund I, King of Ostland (627-653) Eirik II, King of Ostland (653-672) Olaf II, King of Ostland (675-687) Cnute III, King of Ostland (687-706) Runolf, King of Ostland (706-719) Olaf III, King of Ostland (719-724) Eystein, King of Ostland (724-747) Magnus I, King of Ostland (747-756) Sigmund II, King of Ostland (756-762) Magnus II, King of Ostland (762-778) Hakon, King of Ostland (778-785) Thorbjorn, King of Ostland (785-805) Rhorwald, King of Ostland (805-841) Magnus III, King of Ostland (841-845) Fjolnir, King of Ostland (845-860) Heidrek I, King of Ostland (860-889) Astrid, Queen of Ostland (889-913) See the Zeamark clan of Ostland
entries with Jarl without other information implies Jarl of the clan in question.
Gar (d. 975), Jarl (?-975), m. ? (d. 981 from Gnoll's Hepatitis), Jarl (975-981)
1. Karlsefni Garson (b. 961), Jarl (981-), m. 983 Siglinde the Rascal (b. 964)
1.1. Ogmund Karlsefnison (b. 979)
1.a. Ingibjorg Siglindesdottir (b. 981)
1.2. Grani Karlsefnison (b. 983)
1.b. Hlif Siglindesdottir (b. 986)
1.3. Askr Karlsefnison (b. 989)
Mord the Greedy (b. 957), Jarl
Mord has several cousins, and several children from mistresses
Thorir the Dueller (b. 944), Jarl (?-995) retired
1. Sigvaldi the Graceful Thorirson (b. 964), Jarl (995-), m. Thorfinna Unnsdottir (b. 961)
1.a. Hild Thorfinnasdottir (b. 983)
1.1. Svart Sigvaldison (b. 986)
1.2. Fridgeir Sigvaldison (b. 991)
Halldor the Old (d. 980), Jarl (?-980)
1. Sigrid Halldorson (b. 967), Jarl (980-), m.994 Gruunhild Alfdisdottir (d. 997 of Carrot Fever)
1.?. Three children, (all died in 997 of Carrot Fever)
?. Some brothers, all killed by Sigrid
Vigfus the Red (killed in 987 by Bodvar), Jarl (?-987)
a. Thjodhild the Vile (b. 957),
1. Bodvar Dogleg (b. 961), Jarl (987-), m6. 997 Ariella (b. East Portage)
1.?. Bodvar has disowned all his children
Rognvald the Raven Borkson (b. 961), Jarl
Hakon Halfdenson (b. 963), Jarl, m. Saeunn Gudrisdottir (charged with infidelity and stoned to death in 998)
Geirstein Thorgelson (b. 951), Jarl, m. Elsa the Seal (b. 958)
1. Lot Geirsteinson (b. 977)
2. Bue Geirsteinson (b. 979)
a. Oda Elsasdottir (b. 982), betrothed to Jarl Ragnar Solmundson
b. Lis Elsasdottir (b. 984)
3. Hjort Geirsteinson (b. 988)
Ottar the Swimmer (b. 957), Jarl (994-), never married but several children inc:
a. Asa the Slender (b. 980), m. Horik the Broad-Shouldered
a.?. Child, born c.1001 ??
1. Svan Ottarson (b. 994)
2. Hallkel Ottarson (b. 986)
Starkad the Hunter (b. 954), Jarl, m. Hlif Flat-Nose (b. 957)
three living children:
2. Glum Starkadsson (b. 986)
3. Bork Starkadsson (b. 990)
a. Asa Hlifsdottir (b. 993)
Thorir the Wealthy (b. 965), Jarl, m. Gerloc Jorunnsdottir (b. 968)
1. Isleif the Deep-Minded (b. 983)
2. Flosi Thorirson (b. 986)
a. Ingigred Gerlocsdottir (b. 991)
b. Hallgerd Gerlocsdottir (b. 997)
many other family members in a large family, including Thorir's cousin:
Rollo the Cruel (b. 966), Jarl of Sognesholm, m1. the Jarl of Sognesholm and inherited that Jarldom, m2. Thyra the Vain (b. 977)
a. Halldis Thyrasdottir (b. 997)
1. Fjolnir Rolloson (b. 998)
Eirik Horse-Strangler, Jarl (?-?), m. Tristella (an Alphatian born in Helskir)
1. Herjolk Eirikson, m. Katla Gudrunsdottir (d. 997 in childbirth)
1.a. Asta Katlasdottir (b. 981)
1.b. Yrsa Katlasdottir (b. 988)
1.c. Thordis Katlasdottir (b. 997)
a. Ingeborg Tristellasdottir
Erling Isleifson (k. 975 by Hygelac), Jarl (?-975), m. ? (d. 956 from complications of the Cesarian birth of Hygelac)
1. Hygelac the Doubter (b. 956), Jarl (975-), m. 975 Bera the Pale
1.1. Skamkel Frost-Eyes (b. 976), Jarl of Steingard (998-)
? (f), Jarl (?-?) m. and and inhereted by Rollo the Cruel
Kolbein Hemmingson (killed in 998 by Skamkel Frost-Eyes), Jarl (?-998), m2. 987 Groa Thorbjorgsdottir (b. 963)
1. children from his first marriage all killed by Skamkel Frost-Eyes (998)
Svala the Tall (f) (d. 991), Jarl (?-991)
a. Gunnhild Svalasdottir (b. 967), Jarl (991-)
b. Yrsa The Young Svalasdottir (b. 975), m. King Hord
note: Yrsa & Gunnhild are half-sisters
Olvir Grimson, Jarl (?-?)
1.Gest the Hook, Jarl (?-)
1.-. Erik Gestson (b. 981)
1.-. Ivar Festson (b. 982)
1.-. Thyra Hildasdottir (b. 995)
1.-. Olvir Gestson (b. 995)
Thorunn the Loud, Jarl (?-?), killed by Ragnar Solmundson
a. Katla Thorunnsdottir (b. 980)
?. rest of family killed by 99ostland#Vithesford|Ragnar Solmundson]]
1.Askold Ubbison (b. 942), Jarl (?-), m. Freydis the Pious
1.1. Gunnbjorn Askoldson (b. 977), Jarl of Aland (?-), m. Erika the Crow (b.979)
1.1.a. Grima Erikasdottir (b. 998)
1.1.?. child, born c. 1000/1
1.2. Hord Askoldson (b. 980)
2. a brother killed by Askold
Geirmund Trollsbane (d. 977 battle of Trollebugt), Jarl (?-977)
1. Anlaf Geirmundson, Jarl (977-), m. Ingrid Elsasdottir (b. 959)
1.1. Stein Anlafson (b. 978)
1.a. Astrid Ingridsdottir (b. 981)
1.-. Tosti Anlafson (b. 984)
Ragnar Solmundson (b. 948), betrothed to Oda Elsasdottir
Only modern clan undisputedly descended from the Cnute Clan.
descends from Heidrek II, son of Queen Astrid
1. Heidrek II, King (913-914)
1.1. Halstan, King (914-930)
1.1.1. Cnute IV, King (930-952)
1.1.a. Siglinde, Queen (952-957)
1.1.2. Olaf IV, King (957-976)
1.1.2.a. Elder sister Ala (b. 948), banished from court for sorcery, killed by adventurers working for the king after plotting a coup against King Hord. Hord Dark-Eye, King of Ostland (976-1013), m.1st Rhora Anlafsdottir (d. 990 in childbirth), m.2nd (c. 995) Yrsa The Young Alfgeir Hordson (d. 987, killed by Stefania Torion on wedding night), m. 987 Stefania Torion Child (son?), lost in childbrith in 990 Finn Hordson (b.c. 995), King (1013-) Geir Hordson (b.c. 996)
Vagn Ozurson (b. 975), ruler of Hedmark (?-), m1. ? (died in childbirth), m2. Dortas (murdered by unknown assailant), m3. Arnora Hildisdottir (b. 982)
one child from each wife:
1. Botolf Vagnson (b. 995)
a. Finna Dortasdottir (b. 996)
2. Kari Vagnson (b. 999)
Complete Domains of Ostland, 1st Ed by Jacob Skytte