I figured I would start the religion index since we don't have one yet. My proposed breakdown is just a suggestion, feel free to change it!— Greg Weatherup 2008/11/29 02:50 (delete this line when we get it fairly well set up)
Here's a suggestion: Lets use this space as a index for now, and as each of these get developed they can be split off into their own articles. I've tried to put everything in Player info format, but a few entries still have DM style info, they Are marked thusly
A minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
Patron of Corruption and opponent of Laksman
A minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
The Wandering princess
Amongst the ee'aar the Representation of Freedom, Curiosity, and acting on impulse
Patron of Wandering or adventuring Ee'aar
Promoter of jokes, amusement, and relaxation
A minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
The Lady of war and armies
In Antalian mythology, one of the groups of the Gods
Head of the Wallaran pantheon, the lord of all creatures and the patron of sky heroes
Interests inculde the sky, elemental air, colors, and mimicry
Epitaths: Turtlerider, Turtle-Rider
Known to the Atruaghin Clansfolk and any followers of Atruaghin Mysticism/the Atruaghin Shamanic Tradition
Patroness of the Atruaghin Clan of the Turtle
Patroness of the sea, family, sacrifice, & beauty
Lover of Atruaghin
Symbol: A Whalebone necklace
See Protius amongst Autuusmaa?
a minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
Patroness of Turtles and Whales
Known to elementals & most aerial creatures, largely uninvolved in Mystara
Patron of the Plane of Air & of aerial creatures
Symbol: An azure circle
or Ait'tha
Amongst the Sulkar & Black Orchid Tribe's of Orcs the patron of malicious thieves and of victory by deception
promotes self-gratification
a major Diety in Sindhi Samdu
Patron of Death and the end of the life cycle
Seen as the supreme being by the Askyri Bhakti sect of Samdu, wherein Khurishi is seen as the consort of Aksyri
A Sindhi ascetic Samdu cult originating from Kadesh and Gunjab
Empasises Aksyri as the source from which everything else flows or eminates from.
from Ylari tradition, the Lord of Destruction and Violence, one of the Immortal Fiends of the False Path
The parable about al-Fakish in the Nahmeh essentialy teaches that "the ends do not justify the means"
Epitats: The Peacemaker
Known in the Known World & the Savage Baronies
Holy Prophet of the Eternal Truth
Author of the Nahmeh
Patron of the Ylari
Patron of Tactics and Warfare
Epitaths: The Destroyer
Known in Alphatian lands and in parts of the Known World
Patron of Hatred
Lord of Oppression
Bane of Alphatia
The Enemy of anything Alphatian, and thus enemy of the national pantheon of Alphatia
Enemy of the Craft Pantheon as the destroyer of art & knowledge
A minor figure in the theology of the Church of Karameikos, where he is a Demon servant of Thanatos
Symbol: A White Horned Skull on a firey background shaped like a phoenix
Epitaths: Lady of Harmony
Known in all Alphatian lands, head or co-head of many of the Alphatian pantheons (often alongside Razud)
Patroness of the Empire of Alphatia
In the Pantheon of Magic, the Patroness of Alteration and of the month of Alphamir
In the Alphatian craft Pantheon she is third most important (behind Razid and Noumena), as Patroness of Arts
Symbol: A Painter's palette
In the Savage Baronies, the patron of diplomats and politicians, and all those who seek to win by intrigue rather than by open warfare or brute force
In Elvish legends the "Grandfather Earth"
In some early Thothian texts, Amon is a primitive sky diety prayed to by rulers.
In Antalian mythology the ogre-witch, mother of all the witches and trolls
Hel's reincarnation of Gullveig
Mother (with Loki) of Garm, Fenris, & the great Midgard serpent
A Legendary general in early Thothia
Dunael translation of Nyt
in Ochalean mythology, one of the 14 Ministers of the Celestial Court
Known as the "Spider Queen of Shadows" or ".. of the shadow"
Known to Aranea and to Planar Spiders
Patroness of the Planar Spiders & of the Aranea
Patroness of Oppression
Symbol: A square spider's web
Harrow in Hule?
From Robrenn, Patron of will and willpower, archery, and hunting in general
Patron of female druids
Diulanna in Robrenn?
Alphatia in Glantri?
In Sindhi legend an ancient demon imprisoned by Himayeti
Lady of the water, patroness of the sea and storms
Gorrziok in Teki-nura-ria?
Known in the northern parts of the Isle of Dawn where she is seen as a lesser ancestor diety
One of the Immortal daughter's of Viuden
Patroness of Courage, Travel, and Liberty
A Medium immortal in Sindhi Samdu
Personification of the Asanda river in Southern Sind (compare Kalman) and counterpart to Ayami
Sometimes translated as "The Wind of Creativity" or "the Wind of Purity"
Patroness of Knowledge
Minor healing diety popular in Machetos?
In Antalian mythology the Messenger of the Gods (other than of Odin - see Hermod)
Son of Odur
A minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
The Patron of the Himaya code
Valerias in Pearl Islands, Izonda, Tanagoro, Vulcania, Yavdlom?
Aracne Prime in Herath?
A minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
The Giver of Fortitude
A Sindhi Samdu sect emphasising the so called Eight Winds of Asanda, Ayodhya, Kudesha, Ganetra, Ruaidhri, Ashmavati, Sumati, & Runar
knowledge/creativity/purity, law, wealth, knowledge, courage, fortitute, wisdom/benevolence, vigor
Valerias in Cestia?
Traladaran name for Asterius
In the oldest Traladaran legends, he is one of the Tarsian Twelve, rulers of the immortals in the time before Halav
Mentioned in the Nahmeh as one of the Rightful Guardian Immortals who helped al-Kalim.
The Mover of the Moon and Bringer of Wealth
Known all over the world
Protector of Merchants (and some say of Thieves), Patron of Travel
Head of the Pantheon of the Church of Darokin, as Patron of Trade and Communication and keeper of the heaven of Crystal Halls. He is also patron of wealth, commerce, travel and of the moon. Also is the Immortal patron and protector of Darokin City
Considered one of the Wisest of the Good immortals by the Church of Karameikos where he is the Patron of Trade and Commerce
Patron of the city state of Ilioloosti
A Minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
Patron of Trade and Thieves
In Klagorstian legend, A mythological Sea Dwarf said to be the Lord of Water
Protector of sea fauna and creatures
Minor Immortal in Sindhi Samdu, and a lesser Bhut immortal
Demon the violence and rage
needs write-up
Known to the Atruaghin Clansfolk and any followers of Atruaghin Mysticism/the Atruaghin Shamanic Tradition
Father of the Atuaghin Clans
A minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
Patron of Longevity & safety
An ancient evil Known in old elvish legends and in scattered jungles tribes, as well as amongst the Atruaghin Clans
Patron of Corruption and Treachery
Corruptor of the Tiger Clan
A Minor immortal in Sindhi Samdu
The Demon of Slaughter
In Klagorstian myths, the Master of the Rose and the Snow
Patron of Travellers, merchants, Thieves, and of anyone who has lost out or suffered but yet has determination
Legendary early Thothian pharaoh, whe established the Thothian ideals of justice
Saimpt Malinois in the Great Waste & Norwold
Variant name for Ayazi
a major immortal in Sindhi Samdu
Patron of Creation
A minor immortal from Sindhi Samdu
Patron of Mischief
Medium immortal from Sindhi Samdu
Provider of Wisdom and law
Patron of Abstract thought
See also Adzamukha, Laksman, & Sita
In Klagorstian myth, the Lord of the Dead
In Ochalean mythology, one of the 14 Ministers of the Celestial Court
Known as the "Master of Lies" or "Master of Deceit"
Often assotiated with Ta Liu Ai-Tan
Amongst the Viaskoda, an ugly Diety created by Fela from the reflection of Tunderke
Patroness of Seduction and Malice, and of water spirits.