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Drolen Hardfist
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 161 lbs
- Hair: brown
- Eyes: gray/blue
- Home: Alfheim
- Birth: 864
- Personality: quick-witted, guile
Though a mandrake, Drolen found his company with adventurers such as Dilvish, Baltar, and Elyra. Even though being a mandrake gives him abilities above ordinary men, he always wanted to become human. Drolen organized a band of thieves in Alfheim. Guided by Elrya, he helped her quest for the Sword of Chaos. A long time later, Drolen organized another band of thieves and captured Spirit. He was killed by Marcus who then rescued Spirit and took the lightsword.
Drolen, chaotic Man-drake
campaign/heroes_of_selenica/drolen.1465760873.txt · Last modified: 2016-06-12 01:47 pm by angelo