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Drolen Hardfist

Drolen in drake form

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 161 lbs
  • Hair: brown
  • Eyes: gray/blue
  • Home: Alfheim
  • Birth: 864
  • Personality: quick-witted, guile

Though a mandrake, Drolen found his company with adventurers such as Dilvish, Baltar, and Elyra. Even though being a mandrake gives him abilities above ordinary men, he always wanted to become human. Drolen organized a band of thieves in Alfheim. Guided by Elrya, he helped her quest for the Sword of Chaos. A long time later, Drolen organized another band of thieves and captured Spirit. He was killed by Marcus who then rescued Spirit and took the lightsword.

Drolen in human form

Drolen, chaotic Man-drake

campaign/heroes_of_selenica/drolen.1465760873.txt · Last modified: 2016-06-12 01:47 pm by angelo