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genealogy:glantri [2009-05-21 04:34 am] – changing Lan-Syn's link from GPD -> Vaults geckogenealogy:glantri [2010-07-06 02:51 am] (current) – Wutyla family gecko
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 +====== Noble Glantrian Families ======
 +===== Alphatian Families =====
 +==== Aendyr ====
 +The Aendyr family traces back to Aendyr, for whom the family is named, and Mariadna (d. 853) the daughter of Count Vortram of Silverston. \\
 +1. Vitalin (Alphatia 833-889), m. Eriadna (cousin of Viscount Bias of Eriadna), __Count of Silverston__ (854), __Viceroy of Nordling__ (854-886), __Prince of Blackhill__ (859), __Chancellor__ (886)\\
 +1.1. Vitalin II (executed 883 Silverston)\\
 +1.a. Mariadna, m. Eric Bluebeard (son of Marquis John Bluebeard of ?)\\
 +1.2. Pelagiri (857-899), __Castellan of Fort Nordling__ (884-886), __Prince of Blackhill__ (889), __Count of Silverston__ (889), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (889), __Warden of the Marches__ (889)\\
 +1.b. Eriadna, m. Arnulf of Haaskinz (Grandson of Count Robert of Haaskinz)\\
 +1.3. Gepin (murd. 897)\\
 +1.3.1. Huberion (murd. 903)\\
 +1.c. Jonna, m. Bernard Batril (son of Archduke Boheman Batril of Westheath)\\
 +1.4. Owain (867-926 Silverston), m. Isidora Cornhearst (dau. of Count Arnulf Cornhearst of ?), __Prince of Blackhill__ (899), __Count of Silver__ston (899), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (899), __Treasurer of the Council__ (902-921)\\
 +1.4.1. Cadwallon (897-972), m. Thendara (distant relative of [[genealogy:alphatia|Emperor of Alphatia]]), __Prince of Blackhill__ (926), __Count of Silverston__ (926), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (926-947), __Chancellor of the Princes__ (947)\\
 + [[|Uthar]], Constable of Volnay\\
 + **Volospin** (b. 930), **Prince of Blackhill** (972), **Count of Silverston** (972), __Viceroy of Nordling__ (972-991), **Chancellor of the Princes** (991), m. [[|Serena]] (relative of the [[genealogy:alphatia|Emperor of Alphatia]])\\
 + [[|Lathan]] (b. 988)\\
 + [[|Thylera]] //The Bane of Castle Silverston// (b. 994)\\
 +1.4.1.a. Qarendal (b. 930, d. ?)\\
 +1.4.2. Ricelion (898-?) \\
 +//Question:  How does Serena Aendyr, who married the future Prince Albrecht von Drachenfels in 893, a cousin of Pelagiri Aendyr, fit into the tree?// Harri answered that she is the niece of Pelagiri's mother Eriadna.  //Thus of I presume of the Potiorek family? (for lack of a surname among the Alphatian family) that rules Eriadna 803-859//
 +=== Urbaal ===
 +See also [[|The History of House Urbaal]] \\
 +1. Shabas (874-915) adopted the name of his famous grandfather, Urbaal (d. 863, leader of the Red River Falcons), as his surname \\
 +1.1. Musa (905-976), __Baron of Egorn__ (970) \\
 +1.1.1. [[|Emeth]] "the Blue" (b. 946), __Baron of Egorn__ (976-987), __Viscount of Redstone__ (987-997), **Count of Wylon** (997) \\
 + (son of Emeth and a Boldavian wizardess) Yarov (b. 974) \\
 + (son of Emeth and an Alphatian woman) Quanil (b. 988) \\
 +===== Averoignese =====
 +=== Beaumarys ===
 +The Beaumarys were noted as Librarians and secretary's to the __d'Ambrevilles__ (q.v.), but later became associated with the Fens (Stratfors & Moorkroft). \\ 
 +François Beaumarys (705-798), m. Sabine des Coteaux \\ 
 +1. Charles Beaumarys (744-896?), m. Antoinette Ducrey \\ 
 +1.a. Rose Beaumarys (855-896?) \\ 
 +1.b. Blanche Beaumarys (855-896?) \\ 
 +1.?.-. Richarcd Beaumarys, illegitimate son of one of the twins and one of the d'Ambreville's, m. Elizabeth Stratford \\ 
 +1.?.-.a. Anne Beaumarys-Moorkroft (b. 924), m. Robert Moorkroft (See [[genealogy:glantri#beaumarys-moorkroft|Beaumarys-Moorkroft]])
 +Originally from Laterre, the entire family and their castle disappeared 896-979.\\ 
 +1. Michel d'Ambreville (660-709), m. (684) Camille de Montagnevert (b. 665)\\ 
 +1.1. Richard d'Ambreville (b. 684), m. (727) Isidore de Forêt (b. 707, sister to André-David the Huntsman of Nouvelle Averoigne), Richard & Isidore are the the appointed Werewolf Executioners of Nouvelle Averoigne\\ 
 +1.1.a. Monique d'Ambreville (b. 982)\\ 
 +1.1.1. George d'Ambreville (b. 990)\\ 
 +1.2. Étienne d'Ambreville (b. 692), m. (804) Catharine du Marchand (b. 770) the Glantrian ambassador to Thyatis, Viscount of Sylaire (845-896, 979-), Prince of Nouvelle Averoigne (829-896, 979-), Grand Master of the Great School of Magic (875-896, 985-), Viceroy of Monteleone (979-985)\\ 
 +1.2.1. Jean-Louis d'Ambreville (b. 806), m. Tariana of Clan Chossum (b. 988)\\ 
 +1.2.2. Claude d'Ambreville (b. 810)\\ 
 +1.3. Charles d'Ambreville (b. 695), m. Isabelle Gravelotte (b. 701)\\ 
 +1.4. Simon d'Ambreville (b. 699)\\ 
 +1.a. Magdalène d'Ambreville (b. 707)\\ 
 +1.5. Henri d'Ambreville (b. 710)\\ 
 +2. Marcel d'Ambreville (662-728), m. (689) Marie-Hélène de Montagnevert (b. 662)\\ 
 +2.1. Gaston d'Ambreville (b. 725)\\ 
 +2.2. Guillaume d'Ambreville (b. 727), m. Janette "Jaana" Toorden (b. 764)\\ 
 +2.2.1. Michel "Young Michel" d'Ambreville (b. 981) \\ 
 +should mention be made of Dubricus d'Ambreville from Return to the Keep on the Borderlands?
 +etc. etc., yada yada, and so on
 +===== Boldavians =====
 +=== Datchenka ===
 +This family is said to also have some Flaemish blood (//how so?//). \\ 
 +Pavol (d. 979), Mayor of Pavlov, m. Svetlana \\ 
 +a. Natacha (b. 946), Mayor, then **Baroness of Pavlova** \\
 +//What is the birthorder for Natacha relative to her 6 siblings (inc. Ivor, Boris, & Feodor) who were all executed in 979?// \\ 
 +=== Ivanov ===
 +1. Vlasniy (937-997), m. 963 Khristina Dilisnya (dau. of the Burgomeister of Rymskigrad), __Baron of Palatinsk__ (973), //both were vampires killed by their son Youri// \\ 
 +1.1. Youri (b. 963), **Baron of Palatinsk** (997) \\ 
 +=== Markovitch ===
 +1. Fedor (777-859), mayor of Rymskigrad, __Baron of Rymskigrad__ (829-859) \\
 +1.1. ?, d. 859 \\
 +1.1.1. Aleksei (827-881), __Baron of Rymskigrad__ (851-859), __Baron of Vladimirov__ (859-881) \\
 + Piotr (851-894), __Baron of Vladimirov__ (881-894) \\
 +1.1.2. Konstantin (834-901), __Baron of Vladimirov__ (894-900) \\
 + Vladislav (817-938), __Baron of Vladimirov__ (900-938) \\
 + ? \\
 + Boris (915-970), __Baron of Vladimirov__ (938-970) \\
 + Nikolai (d. 995), __Baron of Vladimirov__, m. Lady Jacqueline Dumont (an Averoignian) \\
 + Szasza, **Baroness of Vladimirov**
 +=== Timenko ===
 +this ancient family were originally Commanders of the Guard of the Boldavian Prince. \\
 +1. Alexandru (756-866), __Baron of Kutchevski__ (829-866) \\
 +1.1. Vlaicu (795-883), __Baron of Kutchevski__ (866-883) \\
 +1.1.1. Lord Dan Timenko (830-918), __Baron of Kutchevski__ (883-918) \\
 + Mihail (857-931), __Baron of Kutchevski__ (918-931) \\
 + Vlad (877-976), __Baron of Kutchevski__ (931-976) \\
 + Piotr-Grygory, **Baron of Kutchevski** \\
 + Arminius \\
 +=== Wutyla ===
 +1. Lajos Wutyla (905-938), __Baron of Marikson__ (935-938) \\
 +2. Bela Wutyla (915-961), __Baron of Marikson__ (938-961) \\
 +2.1. Matthias Wutyla (862-990), __Baron of Marikson__ (961-990), m. Nikolaevna Mihailov \\
 +2.1.1. Lazslo Wutyla (b. 968), **Baron of Mariksen** (990) \\
 +2.1.2. Sergei Wutyla (b. 972) \\
 +identity of Lazslo & Sergei's mother from Micky's version of Glantri (slightly modified).
 +===== Caurenzians =====
 +=== Fulvina ===
 +1. Cesare (Nicostenian colonies 697-732 Glantri), __Lord of Verazzano__ \\ 
 +1.1. Luigi \\ 
 +1.1.1. Umberto (758-846), __Viscount of Verazzano__ (806) \\ 
 + Luigi II (795-861), __Viscount of Verazzano__ (846) \\ 
 + Ugone \\ 
 + Orlando (831-888), __Viscount of Verazzano__ (861) \\ 
 + Ferrucio (864-930), __Viscount of Verazzano__ (888) \\ 
 + Lamberto (897-963), __Viscount of Verazzano__ (930) \\ 
 + Vittorio (921-987), __Viscount of Verazzano__ (963) \\ 
 + Griseo (b. 951), **Viscount of Verazzano** (987), m. Rosabianca Fulvina \\ 
 + Cesare \\ 
 + Giulio \\ 
 + Eleonora, m. Giovanni di Malapietra \\ 
 + Lamberto il Giovane, the Viscount's representative at Parliament \\ 
 + Umberto \\ 
 + ? \\ 
 + Rosabianca, m. Griseo Fulvina \\ 
 + Livia, m. Vincenzo di Malapietra \\ 
 +a. ?, m. Tiberio Glantri \\ 
 +b. ?, m. Otto von Drachenfels  \\ 
 +==== di Malapietra ====
 +1. Ercole di Malapietra, __senator of Thyatis__ \\
 +1.x. the di Malapietra family in Thyatis \\
 +1.2. Vincenzo (Thyatis 873-923 Glantri), m. Livia Fulvina \\
 +1.2.1. Francesco (901-966), __Prince of Caurenze__ (947), __Viscount of Sirecchia__ (947), __Treasurer of the Council__ (947-957), __Viceroy of Nordling__ (947-957), __Chamberlain of the Land__ (957), m. Lucina di Sfonti \\
 + Mario (942-991), __Prince of Caurenze__ (966), __Viscount of Sirecchia__ (966), __Viceroy of Nordling__ (966-972), __Councillor of the Princes__ (972), m. Letizia ? \\
 + Giovanni, //Condottiere di Lizzieni//, m. Eleonora Fulvina \\
 + Innocenti (b. 962), **Prince of Caurenze** (991), **Viscount of Sirecchia** (991), **Viceroy of Ylourgne** (991), m. Letizia ? \\
 + Bartolomeo \\
 + Fiora \\
 + Lucrecia (b. 965), 979-981 was married to Vaclav Wurt of Soth-Kabree, divorced, **House Sirecchia spokesman in Parliament** \\
 + Agostino, m. Signoria Lucrecia \\
 +1.2.2. Niccolo Juliano di Malapietra (disappeared circa 940s)
 +==== Haaskinz ====
 +The Haaskinz name comes from ancient Hattian dominion in Thyatis, but the Haaskinz family itself is already a mix of several ethnic groups, including pure Alphatian, Darokinian, Thyatian and even some Sylaire bloodlines. \\
 +1. Johan of Haaskinz (782-857), __Baron of Egorn__ (829-857) \\
 +1.1. Robert of Haaskinz (816-890), __Baron of Egorn__ (857-859), __Viscount of Redstone__ (859-880), __Count of Wylon__ (880-890) \\
 +1.1.1. ? \\
 + Arnulf of Haaskinz (862-957), __Count of Wylon__ (890-935), __Marquis of Berrym__ (935-949), __Duke of Fenswick (949-957)__, m. Aleta (d. 973) \\
 + Konrad "the Mad" Haaskinz (?-935), m. Domitia \\
 + Konstantin of Haaskinz (912-974), __Duke of Fenswick__ (957-970), __Archduke of Westheath__ (970-974), m. Danora \\
 + Harald of Haaskinz (b. 934), __Archduke of Westheath (974-1004)__, **Prince of Sablestone** (1004), m. (984) Asadel [[genealogy:glantri#Ulleri|Ulleri]] \\
 + Dominick of Haaskinz (b. 987) \\
 + [[|Tereis of Haaskinz]] (b. 946) \\
 + [[|Saghir Haaszkinz]] (b. 916), m. (940) & div. (941) Rosamund (b. Aalban) \\
 +== Ulleri ==
 +A Mundaner family \\
 +1. Adamo Ulleri (d. ?), Trader.  m. Asalma (an Alasiyan, d. ?) \\
 +1.a. ? \\
 +1.b. [[|Asadel Ulleri]] (b. 963), m. 984 Harald [[genealogy:glantri#Haaskinz|Haaskinz]]
 +===== Ethengarian =====
 +==== Krinagar ====
 +1. Ranjit, m. Medu-An \\
 +1.1. Urmahid (b. 968), Glantrian Spy in Ethengar (980's), __Count of Skullhorn Pass__ (992), **Prince of Bramyra** (1003-present), m. Rinnath \\
 +1.1.a. Terrigis \\
 +1.2. Khahak (b. 969), m. Lady Qulan, m. ? \\
 +1.2.a. [[|Rina]] (b. 999), engaged to [[glantri#virayana|Ralindi Virayana]] \\
 +1.2.1. Chungkeul (//half-brother of Rina//) \\
 +1.2.b. Qara \\
 +1.2.2. other son's, all mundaners (//birth order in relation to those above is unclear//) \\
 +1.a. [[|Lan-Syn]] (b. 970), m. [[glantri#virayana|Jherek Virayana IV]] \\
 +==== Virayana ====
 +1. Birkai Virayana (778-835), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (829-835), __Treasurer__ (829-935) \\
 +1.1. Toktai Jherek Virayana (811-896), __Prince of Krondahar__ (859-896), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (836-896), __Treasurer__ (836-847), __Supreme Judge__ (847-896), m4. Anneke Vandeeker \\
 +1.1.1. Momai Virayana II (860-950), __Prince of Krondahar__ (896-950), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (896-950), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (896-920), __Grand Master of the Great School of Magic__ (920-950) \\
 +1.1.2. ? \\
 + Jherek Virayana III (910-985), __Prince of Krondahar__ (950-985), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (950-985), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (950-973), __Grand Master of the Great School of Magic__ (973-985), m. San-Jai Mahka \\
 + [[|Jherek Virayana IV]] (b. 958), **Prince of Krondahar** (985-), **Khan/Marquis of Singhabad** (985-), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (985-991), **Supreme Judge of the Council** (991-), m1. Lan-Syn [[glantri#krinagar|Krinagar]], m2. [[|Aleah]] (b. 970), m3. [[|Waira]] Subutar (b. 976) \\
 + [[|Ralindi Virayana]] (b. 990) \\
 + [[|Rejladan Virayana]] (b. 993), disappeared 1000
 +//Yet to be tied in: Jherek's young cousins Juchi, Akbalik, & Muhuli Virayana who are students at the Great School.//
 +===== Fens =====
 +=== Beaumarys-Moorkroft ===
 +Descend from the marriage of Robert Moorkroft & Anne [[genealogy:glantri#beaumarys|Beaumarys]] \\
 +1. [[|John Beaumary-Moorkroft]] (b. 946), m.1st (975) Agatha [[genealogy:glantri#hillsbury|Hillsbury]], div. 984, m.2nd (984) Winifred Merryweather (d. 922), __Baron of Adlerturm__ (981-984), __Viscount of Redstone__ (984-987), __Count of Wylon__ (987-991), __Marquis of Satolas__ (991-997), **Duke of Hightower** (997-current) \\ 
 +a. [[|Judith Beaumarys-Moorkroft]] (b. 985) \\ 
 +1. [[|Robert Beaumarys-Moorkroft]] (b. 987) \\ 
 +2. Jonathan Beaumarys-Moorkroft (b. 988), m. Sempura Borteis \\ 
 +3. [[|Edgar Beaumarys-Moorkroft]] (b. 990)
 +=== Hillsbury ===
 +Edward Hillsbury (920-980), __Baron of Adlerturm__ (951-956), __Viscount of Nathrat__ (956-963), __Count of Soth-Kabree__ (963-967), __Marquis of Satolas__ (967-970), __Duke of of Fenswick__ (970-980) \\
 +a. **Margaret Hillsbury** (b. 959), **Duchess of Fenswick** (980) \\
 +b. Agatha Hillsbury, m. (975) John [[genealogy:glantri#beaumarys-moorkroft|Beaumarys-Moorkroft]], div. 984. \\
 +=== Moorkroft ===
 +1. James Moorkroft (717-759), Knight, m. Agnes Sprigg \\
 +1.1. William Moorkroft (748-774) \\
 +1.1.a. Joan Moorkroft (768-784), aka //"Saimpt Joan"// \\
 +1.1.1. Edward Moorkroft (773-813?), m1. (791) Josephine Batril (d. 794), m2. (796) Sarah Wickfield \\
 + Joseph Moorkroft (791-813) \\
 +1.1.1.a. Emily Moorkroft (792-802) \\
 + Roland Moorkroft (793-802) \\
 + unnamed (794-794) \\
 + Michael Moorkroft (797-868) \\
 + John Moorkroft (798-826 or 819) \\
 +1.1.1.b. Millicent Moorkroft (800-802) \\
 +1.1.1.c. Florence Moorkroft (802-828) \\
 + Jerome Moorkroft (811-?), aka //"Moorkroft Flaemkiller"//, m. Marion Fairley \\
 + Robert Moorkroft (b. 902-?), m. Anne [[genealogy:glantri#beaumarys|Beaumarys]] (See [[genealogy:glantri#beaumarys-moorkroft|Beaumarys-Moorkroft]]) \\
 +2. Jeremy Moorkroft (725-?), knight, aka //"Moorkroft Magebane"//, m. Lady Morgan Fairley \\
 +2.1. Andrew Moorkroft (752-?) \\
 +===== Flaemish Families =====
 +=== Krollnar ===
 +See [[|History of House Krollnar]] at the Vaults by [[|Giovanni Porpora]]
 +1. Willem Krollnar (765-804), m. Johanna Madhorsen \\
 +1.1. Namoor Krollnar (Kopstar 789-850 Arch of Fire, Norwold), m. Milena Dawn (b. in Darokin, d. in Kopstar) \\
 +1.1.1. Frederick Krollnar (b. 845 Arch of Fire, Norwold) last seen Honor Island, Ierendi \\
 +1.1.a. Fredericka Krollnar (Arch of Fire, Norwold 847-900 Corunglain, Darokin), m. a Darokinian \\
 +1.1.2. Ruudgart Krollnar (Arch of Fire, Norwold 848-892 Glantri), m. Susana Jonsen \\
 + Jan Krollnar (871-899), m. Margretha Vandeeker \\
 + Johann Krollnar (897-954 Kopstar), m. Jol Deegaer \\
 + Hena Krollnar (934-949) \\
 + Haak Krollnar (937-990 Plane of Fire), m. Nejla de Wajden (d. 981), __Baron of Alderturm__ (984-990) \\
 + [[|Rowena Krollnar]] (Vystaar, Bergen 968-1012 Plane of Fire), __Baroness of Alderturm__ (990-992), __Viscountess of Bergen__ (992-1012) \\
 + [[|Mirn Krollnar]] (b. 990 in Adlerturm), Became a soldier in the Glantrian Army in AC1000, granted leave after contracting the plague of 1008, later appointed Captain of the 7<sup>th</sup> Banner, **Viscount of Bergen** (1012) \\
 + Horst Krollnar (874-953 Plane of Fire) 
 +=== Vandehaar ===
 +See [[|History of House Vandehaar]] at the Vaults by [[|Giovanni Porpora]]
 +1. Emil (829-898), m. Hana van Haast \\
 +1.1. Maas (877-989), Member of the Guild of Spokesmen (907-989) and __Guildmaster__ (915-973), m. Wilma Glietnen \\
 +1.1.1. Vincent (900-973), m. Seelen Handjeer, both mysteriously disapeared along with the entire wealthy Handjeer merchant family in 973 \\
 + [[|Pieter]] (b. 923), m. Rhonda Vandeeker (d. 974 in childbirth), **Baron of Oxhill** (989) \\
 + Seelen, died aged four months \\
 + [[|Pieter-Eeuwke]] (b. 974) \\
 +1.2. Ludo (877-951), Member of the Guild of Spokesmen (896) \\
 +=== Verlien ===
 +//note: Garnaar Verlien is somehow cousin of Wilhelmine Vlaardoen, but how?// \\
 +1. ? \\
 +1.1. Vidar (784-853), __Count of High Sonden__ (829) \\
 +1.1.1. Willion (823-914), __Count of High Sonden__ (853) \\
 + ?. \\
 + Vexer (878-949), __Count of High Sonden__ (914) \\
 + Garnaar Verlien (900-959 d. in lab accident), __Count of High Sonden__ (949) \\
 + Sinaria (b. 940 or 932), **Countess of High Sonden** (959) \\
 + Pieter (b. 964), m. Savena \\
 + four children \\
 + Visantia, m. Egbert Rjevens (**Burgemeester of Kopstar**, Cousin of Wilhelmine Vlaardoen) \\
 + six children \\
 + Andora, m. [[|Mikhail Zirchevski]]\\
 + Katya (b. 1003) \\
 + ? \\
 + Maria-Katarina, m. Willem [[glantri#vlaardoen|Vlaardoen]] IX \\
 +2. ? \\
 +2.a. Fredrika (?-827), m. Jacob [[glantri#vlaardoen|Vlaardoen]] \\
 +==== Vlaardoen ====
 +See [[|History of House Linden]] at the Vaults by [[|Harri Mäki]] \\
 +Descended from General Vlaardoen \\
 +1. Barnar (630-707), __Duke of Linden__ \\
 +1.a. Wilhelmina (680-767 Linden), __Duchess of Linden__ (707), m. Achilles Vlaardoen (see Below) \\
 +2. Filred (d. 721) \\
 +2.1. Achilles (673-751), m. Wilhelmina Vlaardoen (See Above) \\
 +2.1.1. Barend (708-779), __Duke of Linden__ (767), m. Maria Morend \\
 +2.1.1.(a-f). 6 daughters all married to ducal families. \\
 + Andreis (733-murd. 784 Braejr), __Duke of Linden__ (779), m1st. Theodora Rjevens (d. 767 in childbirth), m2nd. Martha Pieinants \\
 + Rodolphus //"the Red Devil"// (767-825), __Duke of Linden__ (784) \\
 + Achilles (executed 818) \\
 + Frederick //"The Great Judge of the Republic"// (774-847), __Duke of Linden__ (825-828), __Viscount of Linden__ (828), __Supreme Judge__ (829) \\
 + Michel (d. in battle 827) \\
 + Moritz (826-850), __Viscount of Linden__ (847), __Treasurer__ (847) \\
 + Willem (d. 778), m. a daughter of the king \\
 + Jacob I (777-860), __Viscount of Linden__ (850), __Treasurer of the Council__ (850-854), __Chamberlain of the Land__ (854), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (853), m. Fredrika [[glantri#verlien|Verlien]] \\
 + Moritz (d. 846 in laboratory accident), m. Amanda Kern \\
 + Antonie V (841-920 Great School, Glantri City), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (902), __Viscount of Linden__ (902), __Viceroy of Sablestone__ (902-906), __Supreme Judge of the Council__ (906-912), __Grand Master of the Great School of Magic__ (912), m. Gisela Vantee (who d. 881) \\
 + Isaac VI (865-murd. 927 Glantri City), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (920), __Viscount of Linden__ (920), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (920), __Treasurer of the Council__ (921), m. Paola Rjevens \\
 + Simon VII (866-936), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (927), __Viscount of Linden__ (927), __Treasurer of the Council__ (927), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (927), m. Beatrix Foljanbe \\
 + Pieter VIII (893-947), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (936), __Viscount of Linden__ (936), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (936-940), __Chancellor of the Princes__ (940), m. Juliana Massza \\
 + Willem IX (911-murd. 961 Kopstar), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (947), __Viscount of Linden__ (947), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (947), __Treasurer of the Council__ (957), m. Maria-Katarina [[glantri#verlien|Verlien]] \\
 + Wilfrid X (913-972), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (961), __Viscount of Linden__ (961), __Treasurer of the Council__ (961), __Viscount of Monteleone__ (961), m. Magda Pieinants (heiress of the ancient Pieinants family) \\
 + Vanserie XI (b. 940), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (972), __Viscount of Linden__ (972), __Treasurer of the Council__ (972), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (972-979), m. [[|Wilhelmine Rjevens]] //"Princess of the Flaems"// (b.942) \\
 + Juliana (b. 982), **Princess of Bergdhoven**, **Viscountess of Linden** \\
 + Sir [[|Anton Vlaardoen]], //"Dragon-Slayer"//, Honorary head of the //Hertogspaard// (Knights of the Order of the Flaems) \\
 + 4 other children \\
 + Johan II //"the Red Prince/Red Duke"// (825-murd. by highwaymen 862 in Nouvelle Averoigne), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (860), __Viscount of Linden__ (860), __Chamberlain of the Land__ (860) \\
 + Andries III (High Sonden 826-882), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (862), __Viscount of Linden__ (862), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (862), m. Alexandra Pieinants (sister of Viscount Leopol Pieinants of Blofeld) \\
 + Paola, m. Vlandoor Vandeeker (brother of Anneke Vandeeker) \\
 + Willem IV (850-902 Linden), __Prince of Berghoven__ (882), __Viscount of Linden__ (882), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (882-889), __Chancellor of the Council__ (889), m. Anneken \\
 + Paulus (869-?) \\
 +===== Kaelic Families =====
 +=== McAllister ===
 +yet to be tied in: \\
 +Malcolm McAllister (806-849), __Baron of Uigmuir__ (829) \\
 +1.Ossian McAllister (851-922), __Baron of Uigmuir__ (880) \\
 +1.1. Edward McAllister (878-933), __Baron of Uigmuir__ (922) \\
 +1.1.1. Charles McAllister (900-958), __Baron of Uigmuir__ (933-949), __Viscount of Bergen__ (949), m. [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Mary McGregor]] \\
 + William McAllister (929-990), m. Dorothy (b.939), __Viscount of Bergen__ (958) \\
 + [[|Alasdair McAllister]] (b. 964), __Viscount of Bergen__ (990-992), **Count of Glenargyll** (992-1014), __Marquis of Dunvegan__ (1014-1017), **Duke of Taterhill** (1017), m. (988) [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Barbara McGregor]] \\
 + [[|Sean McAllister]] (b. 994)
 +=== McDougall ===
 +yet to be tied in: \\
 +John McDougall (826-887), m. (852) [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Mary McGregor]] \\
 +Ingeborg McDougall (880-943), m. [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Prince Malcolm "The Bald/The Bold" McGregor]] \\
 +Agnes McDougall (937-971), m. [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Prince Brannart McGregor]] \\
 +1.Percival McDougall (780-861), __Count of Glenargyll__ (829-859) \\
 +1.1. Hugh McDougall (805-886), __Count of Glenargyll__ (859-886) \\
 +1.1.1. Hamish McDougall (851-912), __Count of Glenargyll__ (886-912) \\
 + Conan McDougall (877-925), __Count of Glenargyll__ (912-925) \\
 + William McDougal (899-966), __Count of Glenargyll__ (925-966) \\
 + Malcolm McDougal (926-983), __Count of Glenargyll__ (966-983) \\
 + [[|Eachainn McDougall]] (b. 950), __Count of Glenargyll__ (983-992), **Marquis of Dunvegan** (992-1016?), **Duke of Hightower** (1016?)
 +==== McGregor ====
 +yet to be tied in: \\
 +Malvina McGregor (962-998) who married (989) [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Cameron McGregor (960-998)]]
 +1.William "the Cat" McGregor (643-714), m. (686) Ermengarde Warren (661-733) \\
 +1.a. Margaret McGregor (693-759), m. (721) Huberion Burghmont (691-743) \\
 +1.1. Brannart "the Red" McGregor (698-749), m1. (721) Maria Durham (699-737), m2. (739) [[genealogy:thyatis#mcrhomaag|Joanna McRhomaag]] (704-764) \\
 +1.1.1. Edgar "the Young" McGregor (731-790), m1. (751) [[genealogy:glantri#mcallister|Margaret McAllister]] (735-775), m2. (785) Jolanda Sullivan (744-822) \\
 + Duncan McGregor (755-784), m. (782) Margaret Damdres (761-831) \\
 +1.1.1.a. Isabel McGregor (758-783), m. (781) Eirek Madhorsen (758-799) \\
 + Alexander McGregor (759-781) \\
 +1.1.2. Baliol "the Weak" McGregor (739-815), m. (770) Euphemia Graham (742-821) \\
 + Bruce "the Grim" McGregor (774-829), m1. (796) Elizabeth McDonald (775-802), m2. (802) Isabella Burgh (780-827) \\
 + Mary McGregor (800-879), m. (818) Walter Stew (793-826) \\
 + David "the Maiden" McGregor (804-871), m1. (828) Margaret Batril (803-862), m2. (863) Joan Leslie (826-888), __Viscount of Crownguard__ (829-871) \\
 + Alexander McGregor (809-833) \\
 + Robert "the Mighty" McGregor (816-890), m1. (839) Annabella Ross (817-847), m2. (850) Elizabeth Graham (824-876), __Prince of Klantyre__ (875-890), __Viscount of Crownguard__ (875-890), __Viceroy of Sablestone__ (875-885), __Treasurer__ (885-890) \\
 + Mary McGregor (834-903), m. (852) [[genealogy:glantri#mcdougall|John McDougall]] (826-887) \\
 + Kenneth "the Gross" McGregor (840-906), m. (867) Joan Mar (840-905), __Prince of Klantyre__ (890-906), __Viscount of Crownguard__ (890-906), __Treasurer__ (890-896), __Supreme Judge of the Council__ (896-906), __Warden of the Marches__ (901-906) \\
 + Margaret McGregor (868-911), m. (887) William Dalkeith (865-941) \\
 + Mary McGregor (870-956), m. (890) James Tyneman (870-924) \\
 + Angus McGregor (872-902), m. (900) Marjory Drummond (875-920) \\
 + James McGregor (901-960), m. (925) Lydia McEwan (903-964) \\
 + Wallace McGregor (926-981) \\
 + Hamish McGregor (b. 928) \\
 + Ewan McGregor (929-981) \\
 + Diana McGregor (931-981), m. (953) Sean Dalton (930-981) \\
 + Beatrice McGregor (933-981), m. (956) Tim Fleming (935-981) \\
 + Egidia McGregor (872-958), m1. (905) George Cunningham (870-908), m2. (909) William Graham (875-913), m3. Edmund Stone (882-924), m4. (925) William Douglas (899-945) \\
 + Malcolm "the Bald/Bold" McGregor (874-937), m. [[genealogy:glantri#mcdougall|Ingeborg McDougall]] (880-943), __Prince of Klantyre__  (906-937), __Viscount of Crownguard__ (906-937), __Viceroy of Sablestone__ (906-937), __Warden of the Marches__ (910-937), __Treasurer__ (936-937) \\
 + Duncan "the Wolf" McGregor (900-960), m. Marjory Badenoch (903-965), __Prince of Klantyre__ (937-960), __Viscount of Crownguard__ (937-960), __Viceroy of Sablestone__ (937-960) \\
 + [[|Brannart McGregor]] (b. 935), m. (960) [[genealogy:glantri#mcdougall|Agnes McDougall]] (937-971), **Prince of Klantyre** (960), **Viscount of Crownguard** (960), **Viceroy of Sablestone** (960) \\
 + [[|Duncan McGregor]] (b. 964) \\
 + Marjorie McGregor (965-974) \\
 + [[|Barbara McGregor]] (b. 966), m. (988) [[genealogy:glantri#mcallister|Alasdair McAllister]] \\
 + [[|Quentin McGregor]] (b. 969), m. (989) [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Mary McGregor]] (b. 968) \\
 + [[|Angus McGregor]] (b. 990) ([[|see also]])\\
 + Fiona (992-992) \\
 + Amabel (994-994) \\
 + Wallace (995-995) \\
 + Eleanor McGregor (937-986) \\
 + Angus McGregor (939-979) \\
 + Cameron McGregor (960-998), m. (989) [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Malvina McGregor]] (962-998) \\
 + David McGregor (940-979) \\
 + Annabella McGregor (941-998) \\
 + Bruce McGregor (945-982) \\
 + Joan McGregor (901-944) \\
 + Mary McGregor (901-967), m. [[genealogy:glantri#mcallister|Charles McAllister]] \\
 + Margaret McGregor (903-956) \\
 + Matilde McGregor (904-980) \\
 + Ada McGregor (907-969) \\
 + Isabel McGregor (915-994) \\
 + Walter McGregor (841-920), m1. (861) Margaret McDuff (834-880), m2. (880) Elizabeth Keith (859-949) \\
 + Murdoch McGregor (862-925), m. (891) Elizabeth McDonald (870-957) \\
 + Walter McGregor (892-921) \\
 + Alexander McGregor (894-925), m. (914) Janet Campbell (894-947) \\
 + Arthur McGregor (915-988) \\
 + James McGregor (895-925) \\
 + Robert McGregor (899-951), m. (926) Isabel Marionett (904-965) \\
 + Matilda McGregor (930-994), m. (952) Edmon Willston (b. 928) \\
 + Isabel McGregor (901-967), m. (924) Gregor McMillan (899-925) \\
 + Joan McGregor (863-945), m. (898) Walter Leslie (861-902) \\
 + Beatrix McGregor (864-954), m. (897) Robert Lorn (872-949) \\
 + Mary McGregor (866-924), m. (889) James McDouglas (871-943) \\
 + Andrew McGregor (881-924), m. (913) Margaret McDouglas (891-951) \\
 + Elizabeth McGregor (914-987), m. (936) Douglas Seton (912-978) \\
 + Robert McGregor (882-913) \\
 + John McGregor (884-924) \\
 + Marjorie McGregor (885-967), m. (913) Robert Cumbernauld (880-940) \\
 + Isabel McGregor (888-932), m. (917) Archibald Campbell (885-953) \\
 + Alexander McGregor (843-906), m. (874) Euphemia Atheyn (853-894) \\
 + Duncan McGregor (875-935), m. (896) Marjorie McBeth (860-908) \\
 + Jean McGregor (844-917), m. (871) Thomas Dunbar (840-890) \\
 + Katherine McGregor (845-904), m1. (873) Robert Lyon (844-875), m2. (879) John Sandil (847-882), m3. (884) James Keith (850-888) \\
 + Elizabeth McGregor (847-894), m. (870) Robert Mure (845-899) \\
 + Margaret McGregor (849-901), m. (872) Gilbert Hayes (846-906) \\
 + Quentin McGregor (851-889), m. (878) Elizabeth Barclay (856-904) \\
 + Allan McGregor (879-937), m. (902) Fiona Graham (880-945) \\
 + Robert McGregor (903-937), m. (928) Margaret Ogilvy (906-972) \\
 + William McGregor (935-988), m. (960) Fiona McMore (937-988) \\
 + Burnaby McGregor (964-988) \\
 + [[|Bruce McGregor]] (b. 965) \\
 + [[|Mary McGregor]] (b. 968), m. (989) [[genealogy:glantri#mcgregor|Quentin McGregor]] (b. 969) \\
 + David McGregor (882-929) \\
 + Angus McGregor (854-937), m1. (874) Katherine Lindsay (854-900), m2. (904) Margaret Graham (870-949) \\
 + Euphamia McGregor (875-934), m. (906) Malise Graham (870-912) \\
 + Egidia McGregor (856-944), m. (880) Alexander Crawford (860-906) \\
 + Isabella McGregor (858-888), m. (887) William Douglas (860-904) \\
 + Moira McGregor (860-910), m. (881) James Edmonstone (858-888) \\
 + John McGregor (877-915), m. (907) Janet Letch (880-915) \\
 + Thomas McGregor (880-925) \\
 + Neil McGregor (818-846) \\
 + Matilda McGregor (821-864), m. (842) William McCloud (818-859) \\
 + Eliza McGregor (825-880), m. (845) Walter Oliphant (821-878) \\
 +1.1.2.a. Constantina McGregor (775-856), m. (795) Neil MacDowell (770-806) \\
 + Gordon McGregor (776-806), m. (797) Marjorie McDuff (778-806) \\
 + Dungal McGregor (777-805) \\
 + Edward McGregor (780-805) \\
 +1.1.2.b. Elena McGregor (781-844), m. (799) William McGarrick (776-819) \\
 + Christopher McGregor (783-806) \\
 + Ian McGregor (785-818), m. (804) Isabel Marbogie (786-817) \\
 + Alexander McGregor (805-833), m. (831) Eleanor Calder (807-858) \\
 +1.b. Isabella McGregor (700-777), m. (725) Robert Bigot (702-770) \\
 +1.c. Marjorie McGregor (702-744), m. (735) Gilbertde Clarie (699-741) \\
 +special sources for the McGregor family: [[|McGregor Family Tree]] and [[|McGregors]] at [[|the Vaults]] both by [[|H. Mäki]]
 +Major Source:  (along with others)