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genealogy:glantri [2009-11-26 12:32 am] – added Haaskinz (would they be considered Caurenzian?) & Ulleri geckogenealogy:glantri [2010-07-06 02:51 am] (current) – Wutyla family gecko
Line 24: Line 24:
 === Urbaal === === Urbaal ===
- +See also [[|The History of House Urbaal]] \\ 
-etcetc., yada yada+1Shabas (874-915) adopted the name of his famous grandfather, Urbaal (d863leader of the Red River Falcons), as his surname \\ 
 +1.1. Musa (905-976), __Baron of Egorn__ (970) \\ 
 +1.1.1. [[|Emeth]] "the Blue" (b. 946), __Baron of Egorn__ (976-987), __Viscount of Redstone__ (987-997), **Count of Wylon** (997) \\ 
 + (son of Emeth and a Boldavian wizardess) Yarov (b. 974) \\ 
 + (son of Emeth and an Alphatian woman) Quanil (b. 988) \\
 ===== Averoignese ===== ===== Averoignese =====
Line 56: Line 60:
 2.2. Guillaume d'Ambreville (b. 727), m. Janette "Jaana" Toorden (b. 764)\\  2.2. Guillaume d'Ambreville (b. 727), m. Janette "Jaana" Toorden (b. 764)\\ 
 2.2.1. Michel "Young Michel" d'Ambreville (b. 981) \\  2.2.1. Michel "Young Michel" d'Ambreville (b. 981) \\ 
 +should mention be made of Dubricus d'Ambreville from Return to the Keep on the Borderlands?
 etc. etc., yada yada, and so on etc. etc., yada yada, and so on
Line 94: Line 100: Piotr-Grygory, **Baron of Kutchevski** \\ Piotr-Grygory, **Baron of Kutchevski** \\ Arminius \\ Arminius \\
 +=== Wutyla ===
 +1. Lajos Wutyla (905-938), __Baron of Marikson__ (935-938) \\
 +2. Bela Wutyla (915-961), __Baron of Marikson__ (938-961) \\
 +2.1. Matthias Wutyla (862-990), __Baron of Marikson__ (961-990), m. Nikolaevna Mihailov \\
 +2.1.1. Lazslo Wutyla (b. 968), **Baron of Mariksen** (990) \\
 +2.1.2. Sergei Wutyla (b. 972) \\
 +identity of Lazslo & Sergei's mother from Micky's version of Glantri (slightly modified).
 ===== Caurenzians ===== ===== Caurenzians =====
Line 165: Line 180:
 1.2.2. other son's, all mundaners (//birth order in relation to those above is unclear//) \\ 1.2.2. other son's, all mundaners (//birth order in relation to those above is unclear//) \\
 1.a. [[|Lan-Syn]] (b. 970), m. [[glantri#virayana|Jherek Virayana IV]] \\ 1.a. [[|Lan-Syn]] (b. 970), m. [[glantri#virayana|Jherek Virayana IV]] \\
 +==== Virayana ====
 +1. Birkai Virayana (778-835), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (829-835), __Treasurer__ (829-935) \\
 +1.1. Toktai Jherek Virayana (811-896), __Prince of Krondahar__ (859-896), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (836-896), __Treasurer__ (836-847), __Supreme Judge__ (847-896), m4. Anneke Vandeeker \\
 +1.1.1. Momai Virayana II (860-950), __Prince of Krondahar__ (896-950), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (896-950), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (896-920), __Grand Master of the Great School of Magic__ (920-950) \\
 +1.1.2. ? \\
 + Jherek Virayana III (910-985), __Prince of Krondahar__ (950-985), __Khan/Marquis of Singhabad__ (950-985), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (950-973), __Grand Master of the Great School of Magic__ (973-985), m. San-Jai Mahka \\
 + [[|Jherek Virayana IV]] (b. 958), **Prince of Krondahar** (985-), **Khan/Marquis of Singhabad** (985-), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (985-991), **Supreme Judge of the Council** (991-), m1. Lan-Syn [[glantri#krinagar|Krinagar]], m2. [[|Aleah]] (b. 970), m3. [[|Waira]] Subutar (b. 976) \\
 + [[|Ralindi Virayana]] (b. 990) \\
 + [[|Rejladan Virayana]] (b. 993), disappeared 1000
 +//Yet to be tied in: Jherek's young cousins Juchi, Akbalik, & Muhuli Virayana who are students at the Great School.//
 ===== Fens ===== ===== Fens =====
Line 205: Line 233:
 === Krollnar === === Krollnar ===
-See [[|History of House Krollnar]] at the Vaults by Giovanni Porpora+See [[|History of House Krollnar]] at the Vaults by [[|Giovanni Porpora]]
 1. Willem Krollnar (765-804), m. Johanna Madhorsen \\ 1. Willem Krollnar (765-804), m. Johanna Madhorsen \\
Line 219: Line 247: [[|Mirn Krollnar]] (b. 990 in Adlerturm), Became a soldier in the Glantrian Army in AC1000, granted leave after contracting the plague of 1008, later appointed Captain of the 7<sup>th</sup> Banner, **Viscount of Bergen** (1012) \\ [[|Mirn Krollnar]] (b. 990 in Adlerturm), Became a soldier in the Glantrian Army in AC1000, granted leave after contracting the plague of 1008, later appointed Captain of the 7<sup>th</sup> Banner, **Viscount of Bergen** (1012) \\ Horst Krollnar (874-953 Plane of Fire) Horst Krollnar (874-953 Plane of Fire) 
 +=== Vandehaar ===
 +See [[|History of House Vandehaar]] at the Vaults by [[|Giovanni Porpora]]
 +1. Emil (829-898), m. Hana van Haast \\
 +1.1. Maas (877-989), Member of the Guild of Spokesmen (907-989) and __Guildmaster__ (915-973), m. Wilma Glietnen \\
 +1.1.1. Vincent (900-973), m. Seelen Handjeer, both mysteriously disapeared along with the entire wealthy Handjeer merchant family in 973 \\
 + [[|Pieter]] (b. 923), m. Rhonda Vandeeker (d. 974 in childbirth), **Baron of Oxhill** (989) \\
 + Seelen, died aged four months \\
 + [[|Pieter-Eeuwke]] (b. 974) \\
 +1.2. Ludo (877-951), Member of the Guild of Spokesmen (896) \\
 === Verlien === === Verlien ===
Line 237: Line 276: Katya (b. 1003) \\ Katya (b. 1003) \\ ? \\ ? \\
- Maria-Katarina, m. Willem Vlaardoen IX \\+ Maria-Katarina, m. Willem [[glantri#vlaardoen|Vlaardoen]] IX \\
 2. ? \\ 2. ? \\
-2.a. Fredrika (?-827), m. Jacob Vlaardoen \\+2.a. Fredrika (?-827), m. Jacob [[glantri#vlaardoen|Vlaardoen]] \\ 
 +==== Vlaardoen ==== 
 +See [[|History of House Linden]] at the Vaults by [[|Harri Mäki]] \\ 
 +Descended from General Vlaardoen \\ 
 +1. Barnar (630-707), __Duke of Linden__ \\ 
 +1.a. Wilhelmina (680-767 Linden), __Duchess of Linden__ (707), m. Achilles Vlaardoen (see Below) \\ 
 +2. Filred (d. 721) \\ 
 +2.1. Achilles (673-751), m. Wilhelmina Vlaardoen (See Above) \\ 
 +2.1.1. Barend (708-779), __Duke of Linden__ (767), m. Maria Morend \\ 
 +2.1.1.(a-f). 6 daughters all married to ducal families. \\ 
 + Andreis (733-murd. 784 Braejr), __Duke of Linden__ (779), m1st. Theodora Rjevens (d. 767 in childbirth), m2nd. Martha Pieinants \\ 
 + Rodolphus //"the Red Devil"// (767-825), __Duke of Linden__ (784) \\ 
 + Achilles (executed 818) \\ 
 + Frederick //"The Great Judge of the Republic"// (774-847), __Duke of Linden__ (825-828), __Viscount of Linden__ (828), __Supreme Judge__ (829) \\ 
 + Michel (d. in battle 827) \\ 
 + Moritz (826-850), __Viscount of Linden__ (847), __Treasurer__ (847) \\ 
 + Willem (d. 778), m. a daughter of the king \\ 
 + Jacob I (777-860), __Viscount of Linden__ (850), __Treasurer of the Council__ (850-854), __Chamberlain of the Land__ (854), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (853), m. Fredrika [[glantri#verlien|Verlien]] \\ 
 + Moritz (d. 846 in laboratory accident), m. Amanda Kern \\ 
 + Antonie V (841-920 Great School, Glantri City), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (902), __Viscount of Linden__ (902), __Viceroy of Sablestone__ (902-906), __Supreme Judge of the Council__ (906-912), __Grand Master of the Great School of Magic__ (912), m. Gisela Vantee (who d. 881) \\ 
 + Isaac VI (865-murd. 927 Glantri City), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (920), __Viscount of Linden__ (920), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (920), __Treasurer of the Council__ (921), m. Paola Rjevens \\ 
 + Simon VII (866-936), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (927), __Viscount of Linden__ (927), __Treasurer of the Council__ (927), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (927), m. Beatrix Foljanbe \\ 
 + Pieter VIII (893-947), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (936), __Viscount of Linden__ (936), __Viceroy of Ylourgne__ (936-940), __Chancellor of the Princes__ (940), m. Juliana Massza \\ 
 + Willem IX (911-murd. 961 Kopstar), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (947), __Viscount of Linden__ (947), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (947), __Treasurer of the Council__ (957), m. Maria-Katarina [[glantri#verlien|Verlien]] \\ 
 + Wilfrid X (913-972), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (961), __Viscount of Linden__ (961), __Treasurer of the Council__ (961), __Viscount of Monteleone__ (961), m. Magda Pieinants (heiress of the ancient Pieinants family) \\ 
 + Vanserie XI (b. 940), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (972), __Viscount of Linden__ (972), __Treasurer of the Council__ (972), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (972-979), m. [[|Wilhelmine Rjevens]] //"Princess of the Flaems"// (b.942) \\ 
 + Juliana (b. 982), **Princess of Bergdhoven**, **Viscountess of Linden** \\ 
 + Sir [[|Anton Vlaardoen]], //"Dragon-Slayer"//, Honorary head of the //Hertogspaard// (Knights of the Order of the Flaems) \\ 
 + 4 other children \\ 
 + Johan II //"the Red Prince/Red Duke"// (825-murd. by highwaymen 862 in Nouvelle Averoigne), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (860), __Viscount of Linden__ (860), __Chamberlain of the Land__ (860) \\ 
 + Andries III (High Sonden 826-882), __Prince of Bergdhoven__ (862), __Viscount of Linden__ (862), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (862), m. Alexandra Pieinants (sister of Viscount Leopol Pieinants of Blofeld) \\ 
 + Paola, m. Vlandoor Vandeeker (brother of Anneke Vandeeker) \\ 
 + Willem IV (850-902 Linden), __Prince of Berghoven__ (882), __Viscount of Linden__ (882), __Viceroy of Monteleone__ (882-889), __Chancellor of the Council__ (889), m. Anneken \\ 
 + Paulus (869-?) \\ 
 ===== Kaelic Families ===== ===== Kaelic Families =====
genealogy/glantri.1259220729.txt · Last modified: 2009-11-26 12:32 am by gecko