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genealogy:thyatis [2010-07-12 02:34 pm] – 2 minor typo/grammatical fixes geckogenealogy:thyatis [2020-07-20 01:42 pm] (current) – [Other families] Lucinius gecko
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 === Actavius === === Actavius ===
-Descend from Knight Heraclonian Chrysavian, 1st Count of Actius \\ +Descend from Knight Heraclonian Chrysavian, or Sir Actius, Governor of Aegos, 1st Count of Actius \\ 
-Hamil Actavius, __Count of Actius__ (?-989), lost at sea, m. Erlena McRhomaag \\ +1. Hamil Actavius or Rupert Actavius, __Count of Actius__ (?-989 or ?-c.980), lost at sea, m. Erlena [[thyatis#mcrhomaag|McRhomaag]] \\ 
-1. Geraldan Actavius (b. 949), **Fleet Captain**, **Count of Actius** (AC 989 to present), m. (971) Dalia Salieri (rich daughter of a renowned Kerendan musician) \\ +1.1. Geraldan Actavius (b. 949 or 947), **Fleet Captain**, **Count of Actius** (AC 989 to present), m1. (971) Dalia Salieri (rich daughter of a renowned Kerendan musician), m2((during the wrath war)). Antonia (b. 956) \\ 
-1.1. Heraclius Actavius \\ +1.1.1. Heraclius Actavius (b. 980), son w/Dalia \\ 
-1.2. ? \\ +1.1.2. a son w/Dalia ? \\ 
-1.a. ? \\+1.1.a. a daughter w/Dalia \\ 
 +1.1.-. a bastard daughter w/Antonia (b. 995) \\ 
 +2. Rutiliano Actavius.  Lieutenant General (c. AC 988-997), Actavius family senatorial representative. Has 2 illegitimate daughters and 4 grandchildren\\ 
 +Also Geraldan's cousin is Ultimus Actavius (b. 955), see [[thyatis#sirenides|Sirenides]] \\ 
 +=== Aureliano === 
 +Senatorial family stripped of their rank for participation in the 959 revolt  (Note that this conflicts with the "Patrizio" entry) \\ 
 +Luigi Aureliano (d. 997), __Senator__ (?-959), m. ? Patrizio \\ 
 +1. Baldassarre Patrizio (until recently used his mother's surname to avoid persecutions) (975-present), __General__ (1003), __Count of Lucinius__ (?-present), m. (1006) Alexandra McRhoomag (dau. of Uthgard McRhoomag) \\ 
 +1.1. Fabrizio Aureliano \\
 === Biazzan === === Biazzan ===
-1. Hussein Biazzan, __Caid (//Baron//) of Biazzan__ (AC?-998/9), m. Emilia Kasser (dau. Of a Thyatian woman and a Tel-Akbirian aristocrat \\ +1. Hussein Biazzan, __Caid (//Baron//) of Biazzan__ (AC?-998/or ?-996), m. Emilia Kasser (dau. Of a Thyatian woman and a Tel-Akbirian aristocrat \\ 
-1.1. Babrak Muhammad Al-Fahmas Biazzan (b. 971), __Regent of Biazzan__ (AC 998-999), **Caid** (//Baron//) **of Biazzan** (AC 999), m. Gallia \\ +1.1. Babrak Muhammad Al-Fahmas Biazzan (b. 971 or 962), __Regent of Biazzan__ (AC 998-999), **Caid** (//Baron//) **of Biazzan** (AC 999) (or Baron since 996), m. Gallia (b. 967) \\ 
-1.1.1. Himerius Biazzan+1.1.1. Himerius Biazzan (b. 993) \\ 
 +1.1.a. Maisha Biazzan (b. 995) \\ 
 +1.a. Malika Biazzan (b. 981) \\ 
 +1.b. Aisha Biazzan (b. 985), m. [[thyatis#elnicoui|Ahmed El Nicoui]] (b. 983)
 === Dassinites === === Dassinites ===
Line 88: Line 100: Heinrich (b. 955), **Count of Hattias** (967/976-present) \\ Heinrich (b. 955), **Count of Hattias** (967/976-present) \\ Bernhard, __Regent of Hattias__ for young Heinrich (967-976) Bernhard, __Regent of Hattias__ for young Heinrich (967-976)
 +=== Patrizio ===
 +(note that this conflicts with the "Aureliano" entry) \\
 +The first count, form about a century ago (c. 912?), Scouted out the foundations of Oceansend, m. Alexandra Glantri, currently 2 main branches- the Comital and the senatorial: \\
 +== Patrizio (Comital branch) ==
 +? Patrizio, __Count__, (son?, Grandson? of the 1st count), later gained the Senatorial seat forfeited by the Glantri family for their role in the 959 revolt (which later passed to his Vhakas {his brother? uncle? }), descendnts to: \\
 +Baldassarre Patrizio, __Count__, m. Alexandra ? \\
 +1. Philippicus Patrizio \\
 +== Patrizio (Senatorial branch) ==
 +Vhakas Patrizio, __Senator__, younger son of the 1st count \\
 +1. ? Patrizio \\
 +1.1. Marco Patrizio (b. 958), m. Demetria [[genealogy:thyatis#Palykratidius|Palykratidius]] \\
 +1.1.1. Mauro Patrizio \\
 +=== Retebius ===
 +Descends from an Alphatian Cleric named Retebius who aided in the Struggle for independence. \\
 +Distantly connected to the Ephore family \\
 +1. ? Retebius, __Duke of Retebius__, Officer in the Retebius Air Fleet, m. Polibia (b. 940), __Duchess of Retebius__ (abdicated) \\
 +1.1. Callastian Retebius (b. 969), __Duke of Retebius__, Pegasus rider in the Knights of the Air, m. Mitasula Nuar (b. 973), Pegasus rider in the Knights of the Air \\
 +1.1.a. Desdemona Retebius \\
 +1.2. Alexandros Retebius (b. 973), __Senator__ \\
 +2. Patrizio Retebius (943-991?), m. & divorced Aemilia [[genealogy:thyatis#Scaurus|Scaurus]] (b. 944), __Senator__ \\
 +2.a. Leana Scaurus, uses her mothers surname \\
 +2.b. one or more implied younger daughters of Patrizio & Aemilia. \\
 +2.c. secret daughter with an ethengarian khan's wife's maidservant \\
 +also an Isle of Dawn branch: \\
 +Antonia Retebius (b. 947) who married Aemilius [[genealogy:thyatis#Fabius|Fabius]] (b. 941), and her son-in-law and cousin Lavinio Retebius (b. 960), a wizard of Sclaras, m. Cynthia [[genealogy:thyatis#Fabius|Fabius]] (b. 974) \\
 ===== Karameikan Thyatians ===== ===== Karameikan Thyatians =====
Line 93: Line 132:
 === Halaran === === Halaran ===
-1. Halaran \\+1. Antillius "Antilles" Halaran \\
 1.1. Sherlane Halaran, **Baron of Threshold**, **Patriarch of Threshold** \\ 1.1. Sherlane Halaran, **Baron of Threshold**, **Patriarch of Threshold** \\
-1.2. Merrik Halaran, thyatian soldier \\+1.2. Merrik Halaran, Thyatian soldier\\
 1.2.a. Aleena Halaran (b. 978), Knight of the Order of the Griffon \\ 1.2.a. Aleena Halaran (b. 978), Knight of the Order of the Griffon \\
 1.2.b. Anielle Halaran 1.2.b. Anielle Halaran
 +=== Kelvin ===
 +1. Desmond Kelvin I, "Thyatian Officer and Gentleman", **Baron**, killed in a duel 995, m. Lady Evelina \\
 +1.1. Desmond Kelvin II, b. 977, **Baron** \\
 +1.a. ''Lady'' Alerena Kelvin, engaged to Kaerin Penhaligon \\
 +note: Cannonically Alerena is Desmond II's daughter, but the timing and most fannon have her as Desmond I's daughter.
 ===== Other families ===== ===== Other families =====
 +== Lucinius ==
 +Despite the name, this family is not connected to the rulers of Lucinius \\
 +Euripides Lucinius (938-984), **Senator**, m. Tallia Lentulus (948-989?) \\
 +1. Julian Lucinius (b. 969), **Senator** \\
 +distant relative: Ascan Lucinius (958-996), **Senator**
 == Osteropolus == == Osteropolus ==
Line 108: Line 158: Helenites Osteropolus, **Senator** \\ Helenites Osteropolus, **Senator** \\
 +== Palykratidius ==
 +?. Palykratidius \\
 +a. Devota Palykratidius, m. Plinius Lycandronion \\
 +b. Demetria Palykratidius (b. 966), youngest member of the family, m. [[thyatis#Patrizio|Marco Patrizio]] (b. 958) \\
 +Devota & Demetria's cousin: \\
 +Thyarius Palykratidius, __Commandant of Westreach__.
 +== Sirenides ==
 +Actian senatorial family of sirine blood, by special decree the Sirenides pass the surname on through the female lineage((see Threshold #5; p.203))\\
 +1. Corbus Sirenides (930-988?), senator, disappeared, m. Paiza (b. 936) \\
 +1.a. Janine Sirenides (b.957), **mater familias senator**, m. [[thyatis#Actavius|Ultimus Actavius]] cousin of Count Geraldan \\
 +1.a.a. Teodora Sirenides (b.980) \\
 +1.a.b. ? \\
 +1.a.c. ? \\
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
 [[genealogy:rockhome#makrest_clan|Makrest Clan]] - Thyatian Dwarves of Buhrohur \\ [[genealogy:rockhome#makrest_clan|Makrest Clan]] - Thyatian Dwarves of Buhrohur \\
 Many [[genealogy:glantri|Glantrian Families]] descend from Thyatians, especially amongst the [[genealogy:glantri#caurenzians|Caurenzians]] (largely a Kerendan offshoot) and among the [[genealogy:glantri#Aalbanese|Aalbanese]] (a Hattian-Aphatian mix). Many [[genealogy:glantri|Glantrian Families]] descend from Thyatians, especially amongst the [[genealogy:glantri#caurenzians|Caurenzians]] (largely a Kerendan offshoot) and among the [[genealogy:glantri#Aalbanese|Aalbanese]] (a Hattian-Aphatian mix).
genealogy/thyatis.1278966887.txt · Last modified: 2010-07-12 02:34 pm by gecko