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Linguisticts of Mystara All the information you could want about the languages spoken on, and in, Mystara.


Other Introduction Text


Short version

i.e. the condensed list, Intro text

Language Typical Speakers Script*
Alasiyan or Ylari Alasiyans, Saragonners, Ylari Alasiyan or Ylari
Alphatian Alphatians, Cypris, Flaems, Sorcerers Draconic (?)
Anglaise Fenfolk Laterran
Antalian & Eusdrian Eusdrians, Heldanners, Helsikirans, Norwolders, Ostlanders, Soderfjorders, Vestlanders Antalian Runes
Aquan Merfolk, other water-based creatures Elven
Atruaghin Atruaghin Clansfolk None
Auran Air elemental and other air-based creatures Draconic
etc. etc. etc.

*= Most commonly used (see details below for exceptions)
other footnote type entries

Long Version

longer list (or should we call it Full version?)

Intro text

Language Where spoken Script Language Prominent
primary secondary * family Dialects
Aengmorian Oenkmar ? ?
Alasiyna or Ylari Ylaruam Darokin, Ierendi Isle, Tel Akbir, Biazzan, Saragon Alasiyan or Ylari Nithian
Alphatian Alphatia, Bellissaria, Isle of Dawn, Alatians, Norwold, etc. Minaean Coast, Ochalea, Qeodhar, Yannivey Islands Alphatian Alphatian Flaemish
Antalian (old) Hollow World: Antalian Wastes HW: Beastmen & Icevale Elves Runic (rare) Neathar-Antalian
Atruaghi Atruaghin clans none Olteco-Azcan Bear, Horse, "Others"
Azcan Hollow World: Azca Tiger Clan of Atruaghin, HW: Krugel Orcs & Malpheggi Lizard Men ? Olteco-Azcan
etc. here, there, etc. XYZ, etc. etc.
etc. etc. etc. etc.

*= Most commonly used (see details below for exceptions)

Details of individual languages

Alphatian language family

One of 3 Alien human languages


Cannon info- Fannon ideals- largely undeveloped. Flaemish is a variant/dialect/descendant, but is there only one Alphatian language in Alphatia or several related languages? How does Ochalean fit in, if at all? And if Ochalea fits do the Yasuko? Most fannon suggests the Alphatian script is either M-Greek or a sort of M-Sanskrit/Devanāgarī but with Greek letter names. Other suggestions-

Further info on Alphatian

The Alphatian Language: Magic is in the Words article by Hervé Musseau in The Tome of Mystara Vol. 3
Words from the Alphatian Calendar article at the Vaults by Travis Henry
Advice Needed: Alphatia - Discussion at the Piazza about sound and script ideals for Alphatian.

Next Language family

and so on


languages.txt · Last modified: 2010-07-09 05:47 pm by gecko